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histology and embryology中文是什么意思

用"histology and embryology"造句"histology and embryology"怎么读"histology and embryology" in a sentence


  • 组织学和胚胎学
  • 组织学与胚胎学


  • Human anatomy , histology and embryology
  • Histology and embryology is composed of 2 related sciences
  • Teaching experience of anatomy , histology and embryology for foreign students
  • These results suggested that the expression of mpges and cpges gene may be important for follicle development . postgraduate : bai yu - yan major : animal histology and embryology supervisor : yang zeng - ming
    这些结果表明, mpges和cpges基因的表达可能在小鼠卵泡发育过程中起重要作用。
  • Abstract : catering to the characteristics of a college course ? livestock anatomy , histology and embryology and taking one unit of this course as an example the way of developing its cai courseware script was introduced
  • While initially considered solely for their role in the exchange of gas and nutrients and waster , however , actually this concept is limited and is going to be enlarging taking into account the other subjects , such as histology and embryology , biochemistry , molecular biology and immunology
  • In summary , the specifical expression of both mpges and cpges at the implantation site and in the decidual cells suggests that mpges and cpges might play an important role during mouse implantation and decidualization . ph . d . student : ni hua major : animal histology and embryology supervisor : professor yang zeng - ming
    Mpges和cpges在小鼠子宫胚胎着床点处的特异性表达以及在蜕膜中的高水平表达说明, mpges和cpges在小鼠胚胎着床和蜕膜化过程中可能具有重要作用。
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